Your donation enables the National Capital Physicians Foundation to achieve its mission of advancing the practice of medicine and improving population health in the National Capital Region through education, research and innovation.
The National Capital Physicians Foundation is a 501c3 public charity. The Foundation is tax-exempt as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, and as such, contributions to the National Capital Physicians Foundation are tax-deductible. Tax I.D.# 81-1085170
Mail a Check
Call Us
Retirement Account Gift
Bequest in Your Will
Beneficiary Designation
Charitable Trusts
Give Online Today
To make a gift by credit card, please use our secure online form. You will have the option to spread your gift over the year with a recurring monthly gift, or to set it up as an annual gift.
Mail a Check
Please make checks payable to “National Capital Physicians Foundation” and mail them to:
15855 Crabbs Branch Way
Rockville, MD 20855
Call Us
If you’d prefer to make your one-time or recurring gift or pledge by phone, please call Farhana Arastu at 301.921.4300 or request a call by sending an email to info@dedicatedtohealth.org.
Visit our GoFundMe page to make a donation. Visit: https://gofund.me/017e4274
Retirement Account Gift
If you are 70 ½ years and older you may donate up to $100,000 from your individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Roth IRAs to the National Capital Physicians Foundation as a charitable nonprofit without having to treat the withdrawals as taxable income. The giving incentive is of particular value to individuals who do not claim itemized deductions on their tax return because the funds are sent directly to nonprofits from IRA accounts and are never counted as income.
Bequest in Your Will
Leaving a charitable bequest in your will or living trust is a popular choice due to its simplicity, flexibility, versatility, and tax benefits.
You can arrange a bequest by adding simple bequest language to your will.
Because the gift isn't until after your lifetime, you can alter it at any time as necessary.
You can choose to give an exact amount or a percentage of your estate.
If your estate is subject to estate tax, the full value of your gift is tax-deductible.
Sample bequest language for the National Capital Physicians Foundation
"I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise, and bequeath to the National Capital Physicians Foundation [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
Beneficiary Designation
Naming the National Capital Physicians Foundation as a beneficiary to your retirement plan assets, life insurance, or insurance annuities is simple and has great benefits to the Foundation and your other beneficiaries.
As retirement funds are tax-deferred, they are one of the most costly to distribute to heirs.
When given to the NCPF, they are tax-free and fully used to help continue to build its long-term fiscal security and stability.
Finally, beneficiary designations can be changed at any time if your situation alters.
How to Name the National Capital Physicians Foundation as a Beneficiary
The terms of your will control the distribution of the majority of your assets, but life insurance, insurance annuities, and retirement plans require separate beneficiary forms. You must contact the manager of these accounts to edit your beneficiary designation to include “National Capital Physicians Foundation."
Charitable Trusts
With a Charitable Remainder Trust you receive income from the assets (cash, stock, or real estate) placed in the trust, and after your lifetime the remaining balance supports the National Capital Physicians Foundation. Some benefits are:
A partial charitable deduction, when you itemize
Up-front capital gains tax relief
Professional management of assets
Future estate tax relief
A charitable lead trust is optimal for directing wealth to grandchildren by reducing the tax burden while making a charitable gift. The trust facilitates yearly gifts to the National Capital Physicians Foundation for a period of years from the earnings of the trust. Ultimately, the money in trust goes to whomever you choose, with beneficial tax consequences.
To initiate a charitable trust, contact your tax attorney, accountant or wealth management professional.
If you have questions, please contact NCPF at 301.921.4300 or info@dedicatedtohealth.org. We are here to help and will hold any discussions in confidence.